Chuck Jindrich is in his sixth year as Director of the Blue Devil Band and his twenty-sixth year as a music educator in the West Georgia area. Mr. Jindrich received a Bachelor of Science in Education and a Master of School Leadership from the University of West Georgia. He is married to his high school sweetheart Jennifer who is the Pastor of Children at First Baptist Church of Carrollton. They have two grown children Ethan and Jenna and will welcomed Kaitlynn into their family as daughter-in-law in 2024.
Hailey is a 2009 graduate of Bremen High School. She was a majorette all four years of high school and a feature twirler her senior year. On Friday nights, she yells GO BIG BLUE and on Saturdays, she yells GO DAWGS with her husband Justin and little girl Georgia. She has been the Bremen majorette coach since 2021.
Grace Barron has been the Color Guard Instructor for the Bremen Blue Devil Band since 2023. She is a senior at the University of West Georgia studying for a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. She graduated from Temple High School in 2021, where she marched Color Guard all 4 years. Since then she has gone to march Drum Corps with Atlanta CV in 2022 and is currently in her 3rd year marching Independent Winter Guard with FIG Independent. She has a great passion for the arts and loves being able to share her love for Color Guard as an educator.